Make a difference by getting involved

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僑心國語學校的學生家長委員會至今已有許多年了. 而歷屆的家長委員都本著與僑心“ 同舟共濟” 和“幼吾幼以及人之幼” 的精神給與學生和老師各方面的溝通, 協助, 以及配合.  這十幾年來,家長委員會和學校的成長有著密切的關係.

我們家長委員會每年都有辦一些幫助學校籌款的活動, 非常需要每位家長的支持和鼓勵, 也十分歡迎多一些家長的加入和參與. 如果有家長有興趣和我們一起活動, 請和王老師或學校辦公室聯絡. 我們衷心感謝您的熱心.

Our PTA members contribute the biggest reason for our success. It is through their volunteer in time and energy that we're able to serve the entire school community. They are the brains behind each fund raising campaigns to raise scholarships for students that are in need. They are the hands and feet that jumps in to prepare and get involved at all of our events.